When the company is offering services to millions, zillions of users, one thing that they always wanted to ensure is that their system runs like a well-oiled machine for their operations and users. And it’s only backend development that is responsible to handle hundreds of everyday tasks. But the capability of the backend is depending upon the languages, software and frameworks that you choose to manage the services.

There are dozens of tools that are available for the business to work on their server-side architecture nowadays, but long back in 2009, new technology has made its humble beginning in the vast domain of backend development. And, Node.js was the first attempt to bring JavaScript to the server-side. Today it has become the top choice of Javascript framework for backend development.

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By providing constant support for backend -development and making the complex app development process easier, today you would hardly find any web developer who hasn’t heard about NodeJS. In fact, you can find its implementation in many leading applications like Netflix, LinkedIn, or Uber.

However, in order to keep up with modern technologies, it is necessary to evaluate the framework for both enterprise and B2C applications. But still, the central question remains the same, “What makes this technology attractive from a technical and business aspect?” So in this blog, we have rounded up the records straight about the Node.js as a Backend Language.

In this article, we are going to discuss:

  • The current state of Node.js as Backend
  • What is Node.Js Used For?
  • Why Is It a Good Choice for Backend Development?
  • Best Use Cases of Node.js
  • How To Get Started with Node.Js?

Let’s get into the details of each point to understand more about Node.js for backend development.


#nodejs #javascript #web-development #software-development #node

Node.js Is Still The Best Option For Backend Development
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