Today’s fast-paced world pushes us to keep improving and to learn new things every day. And when we heed our inner drive to evolve and advance, we don’t just change ourselves – we change the world for the better, one step at a time.

At JetBrains, we are passionate about continuous improvement, and we hold learning in the highest regard. We care deeply about those who never stop learning or who help others improve themselves. That is why we’re creating Educational Products to help you learn and teach programming in modern new ways.


Educational Products for Students

Learning is challenging, and distance learning can be really tough. At times, it can be hard to stay motivated, plan your learning activities, track your progress, build your confidence, and find the support you need to keep yourself going.

If you’ve already started to learn JavaKotlin, or Python, or if you’re considering taking your first steps toward learning to program in these languages, JetBrains Academyis free to use and combines an interactive, project-based learning platform with powerful, professional development tools.

#education #learning courses #learning #teaching #deep learning

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