**1st Round Details (Coding test): **Coding round on their own platform. It consisted of 4 sections.

  1. 7 debugging questions (C++/Java).
  2. 2 coding questions.
  1. Psychometric test based on Leadership principles.
  2. Aptitude and Logical reasoning.

**2nd Round Details (F2F technical round 1): **Introduced myself and jumped right into coding. The following two questions were asked.

  1. Given a binary tree, write a function to check if the tree is a mirror image of itself or symmetrical. This was done using recursion with time complexity of O(n) and space-complexity of O(1). We discussed the approach and the interviewer was satisfied with it. I was asked to code it completely, covering all edge cases and having no bugs.
  2. Given a string of 1’s and 0’s, we can flip the 1’s to 0’s and the 0’s to 1’s. Find the minimum amount of flips required to make the string monotone increasing (all the 0’s on the left, and 1’s on the right). This was a dynamic programming question. I didn’t get the approach right on the go, but the interviewer gave me a hint, and I was able to code it. He wanted the most optimized solution which I got in the end.

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Amazon Interview Experience | 6-Months Internship for SDE-1 (On-Campus)
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