This was a capstone project required by Blockchain Center’s Enterprise Blockchain Strategy Course to finish the course. It was easier than I thought with teamwork even though we submitted different projects.

It was the first time I explored blockchain technology in space. That was my second time having experience in a field where blockchain solutions won’t get utilized frequently. Here, I’ll tell you how I finished my capstone project.

At first, I was undecided between blockchain for content writing application or where blockchain solutions wouldn’t be applied as common as another field as applications for content writing started to be applied on a broad scale. I was uncertain about the area I was going to do until some people told me that they were looking for teammates to do projects way early from the deadline.

After we contacted each other through Discord, we’ve created a group for our capstone. And then we decided to do the meeting and the conclusion was that we have to create our own projects separately with the same topic. The only thing we all can use was the preliminary research and the references given.

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My Second Blockchain Project
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