The next step is to install control plane components

We will again execute these tasks on both the master nodes.

We start by creating a directory for kubernetes configuration.

Then download the kubernetes binaries: this includes the kube-apiserver binary, the kube-controller-manager binary, the kube-scheduler binary and the kubectl binary.

Once downloaded make them executable and move them to the bin directory.

Move the certificates and encryption key config file to the /var/lib/kubernetes location.

Again get the internal IP of the system or set it manually.

And finally create the kube-apiserver configuration file. Most of the options provided in these we have seen already throughout this course, such as the various certificates and other options.

We will now move to the kube-controller-manager configuration. Move the kubecontrollermanager config to the right location. Then create the kube-controller-manager service file.

Repeat the same for the kube-scheduler.

Finally reload service daemon and enable services to start automatically during system startup, and start the services.

Verify the status of each service and ensure it is active. To perform a quick check to see if they are discovered by the api-server, run the kubectl get componentstatuses command using the admin kubeconfig file.

Well that’s it for this demo. In the next demo we look at configuring load balancer.

#kubernetes #kubecontrollermanager #kube-apiserver #kube-scheduler

Install Kubernetes from Scratch [10] - Install Control Plane Components
1.45 GEEK