Invoices, Expenses and Tasks built with Laravel and Flutter

Invoice Ninja

Hosted | Self-Hosted

We’re on Slack, join us at or if you like StackOverflow

Just make sure to add the invoice-ninja tag to your question.

We are currently looking for co-mainteners for the dockerfiles repository, if you’re interested please let us know

All Pro and Enterprise features from the hosted app are included in the open-source code. We offer a $30 per year white-label license to remove the Invoice Ninja branding from client facing parts of the app.

The self-host zip includes all third party libraries whereas downloading the code from GitHub requires using Composer to install the dependencies.

Referral Program

  • Earn 50% of Pro & Enterprise Plans up to 4 years - Learn more

Mobile App

Installation Options

Recommended Providers


Third Party Modules

Feel free to email us for help if you’re working on a module, we’re happy to provide developer support.

Third Party Tools

Third Party Developers


All contributors are welcome!

For information on how contribute to Invoice Ninja, please see our contributing guide.


Special thanks to:

Download Details:

Author: invoiceninja


Source Code:

#flutter #laravel #programming

Invoices, Expenses and Tasks built with Laravel and Flutter
10.40 GEEK