Facebook and Instagram have become the undisputed rulers of social media and truly considered as the most powerful and strongest platforms to connect with global viewers.

One of the main reasons behind Instagram’s success is constant product improvement. Nowadays, the service allows users to not only share photos and video content with Instagram users but also offers extensive business opportunities. You would likely agree that Instagram has become a powerful sales channel to promote business and products or services.

Currently, Instagram is a free photo and video content sharing applications everyone can download it from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android).

To estimate the cost to develop an app similar to Instagram, you need to be clear with the app functions and features it will have.

How Much Does Instagram Cost to develop an app like Instagram?

It is deserving considering that the cost for a mobile app development varies due to these and more factors:

  • number of features
  • complexity of features
  • design specifics
  • number of platforms and operating system details
  • technology preferences
  • development team capabilities & rates
  • project management, etc.

The hourly cost of app developers may also vary based on their location, company, and skills. For instance, the hourly cost tag in India is $15-$25, while in the U.S., it is $100+.

As the development of an app like Instagram may take approximately 500-700 hours, the estimated cost of developing such an app would be between $12,000 to $60,000, depending on where you’re hiring your app developers/team from.

The key features and functionality of Instagram:

  • Authorization (via email, phone number, or Facebook)
  • Create and edit profile (including Business profile)
  • Messages
  • Image customization
  • Determination of geolocation
  • View user-profiles and follow other users
  • Personalized feed
  • Search (by posts, usernames, tags, and places)
  • Mentions
  • Analytics
  • Settings

Regarding timelines to develop an app like Instagram, Estimate is:

  • 400 hours for backend
  • 1500 hours roughly for app development
  • 100 hours to design and 100 hours to create a web application
  • 100 hours for all kinds of testing

The App UI and UX Design: –

Aside from these crucial features, you also have to determine the cost of app designing which means the UI and UX.

It has always been advisable to keep the app simple and choose a design that becomes the identity of the app.

Also, you have to pick the colors and the size of the content very carefully. Choose the app name short and appropriate.

Now, if you talk about the estimated time of app designing such as Instagram, it usually takes almost 60-70 hours.

The Development Team

Hiring a professional mobile app development team or company may cost a little higher than hiring a freelance developer, but it will be deserving of it, as you can expect to get the best product along with proper project management and on-time delivery.

Benefits Of Using Apps Like Instagram

With an expansion in smartphones, a social media App is surely reaching more and more business. It is connecting people around the world, whether the app is small or big. This kind of app gives a strong platform that enables one to hold power to shift.


An app like Instagram for Android

This stage of app development for the native platform(s) of your choice would ultimately be the important one. Both in sense of time/resources and app cost. To develop an Android app like Instagram we’ll be combatting technical challenges unique to this ecosystem. Instagram Android development: 1500 hours.

An app like Instagram for iOS

Developing a social networking app or photo-sharing app for iPhone devices faces fewer objections. Instagram provides several iPhone hooks and document interaction API, to start off.

Instagram iOS development: 1320 hours approximately.

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How much would it cost to develop an app similar to Instagram?
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