Repeat after me: “Kubernetes is not secure by default.” Got that? Good, admitting that is the first step to Kubernetes security wisdom. But, Starboard, an open-source Kubernetes security CLI and operator from Aqua Security can help you understand what’s going on with security in your Kubernetes cluster.

In a KubeCon presentation, Liz Rice, Aqua Security’s vice president of open source engineering, and Daniel Pacak, an Aqua Security open source engineer, explained what’s up with Starboard.

Fundamentally, Starboard gathers security data from various Kubernetes security tools into Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRD). These extend the Kubernetes APIs so that users can manage and access security reports through the Kubernetes interfaces, like kubectl or the Octant Kubernetes web interface, that you already use every day. It also comes with a Go module to make it easier to work with existing security tools.

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Starboard: Putting all the Kubernetes Security Pieces into One Place
1.20 GEEK