NextJS + FeathersJS = Perfect Javascript Full-Stack


nextJS + feathersJS = Perfect Javascript Full-Stack!

What’s Next?

NextJS is the React Framework for a lot of things:

  • Production
  • Pre-Rendered Apps
  • Static Websites
  • the Jamstack
  • the Enterprise
  • the Desktop
  • the Mobile Web
  • Lightweight Apps
  • SEO-Friendly Sites
  • PWAs
  • Electron Don’t forget to check out their amazing DOC: But here, let’s call it the frontend of NextFeathers :-)

What’s Feathers?

FeathersJS is a framework for real-time applications and REST APIs. And here, let’s call it the backend of NextFeathers :-) One thing I really like is feathers-cli, with which I can create an API in a couple minutes. Learn more at:

What’s NextFeathers?

You probably know now: it’s simply nextJS + FeathersJS! But more than that,it’s actually a Javascript Blog System with ReactJS on Node. I know we need a better name, so I call it “DNA” - DeNiApps Also, I am adding a lot of examples about how to use nextJS, feathersJS, reactJS, MongoDB, semantic-ui, ckEditor, and more! You can find it at Playground

How to use it?

git clone
cd nextfeathers
cd next 
code . // assume you are using vscode - highly recommanded!!!

cd ../feathers
code .

//NOTE, you can start vscode on the top level (i.e., PATH-TO/nextfeathers,) 
//but I see some issue for eslint working properly. 
//Since they are two separated frameworks, I would recommand to open two vscode windows.

//Then in each command window, run
npm install
npm run dev

//You need mongodb for blog system (DNA) to work, so after setup a mongo database, 
//add your configuration at nextfeathers/feathers/config
//default.json is for dev, and production.json is for produciton

  "mongodb": "mongodb://localhost:27017/deniapps", 
  "mongoUser": "admin",
  "mongoPass": "admin123$",

//Then use Postman, to create an user
//Endpoint: http://localhost:3030/user
//Method: POST
//Raw Body:
  "email": "",
  "password": "admin123$"

//NOTE: after you have admin account created, add authentication to the services/users/users.hooks.js, 
//it will be like this: 
module.exports = {
  before: {
    all: [],
    find: [authenticate("jwt")],
    get: [authenticate("jwt")],
    create: [hashPassword("password"),authenticate("jwt")],
    update: [hashPassword("password"), authenticate("jwt")],
    patch: [hashPassword("password"), authenticate("jwt")],
    remove: [authenticate("jwt")],

//And then, whereever hooked with authenticate["jwt"], the authentication is required, 
//to get jwt token, call this:

//Endpoint: http://localhost:3030/authentication
//Methond: POST
	"strategy": "local",
	"email": "",
  "password": "admin123$"

I hope this is clear. I will try to write a tutorial soon.


This is not production ready yet. I am still working on DNA. What’s that? Did I mention it’s the name of NextFeathers Blog System.

Download Details:

Author: deniapps


Source Code:

#nextjs #javascript #react #reactjs

NextJS + FeathersJS = Perfect Javascript Full-Stack
179.10 GEEK