Round 1 (Online Assessment): This was conducted on AMCAT. It had 4 sections (total 2.5 hrs)

  1. Code debugging section – 7 questions, C/C++/Java (20 minutes)
  2. Coding section – 2 questions (70 minutes)
  3. **Workstyle assessment **(20 minutes)
  4. Reasoning ability – 24 questions (35 minutes) – we could not skip and return to a question

38 students were selected for online interviews.

Round 2 (F2F Technical Interview): This was conducted on their own platform Amazon Chime (1 hr). First I had to give an introduction about myself. Then 2 coding questions were asked.

  1. Clone a binary tree with random pointer. I discussed the hashing approach, he then asked me to code it, then we discussed time complexity.
  2. Add all greater values to every node in a given BST. First I gave him brute force approach O(n^2), then a better approach O(nlogn), then reverse order traversal approach O(n).

Round 3 (F2F Technical Interview): Again a brief introduction about myself. Then 2 coding questions were asked (1 hr).

  1. Rotten oranges – Minimum time required to rot all oranges.
  2. **Peripheral traversal of binary tree **– Boundary Traversal of binary tree.

15 students got the offer for an internship, I was one of them.

#internship #interview experiences #amazon #marketing #on-campus

Amazon Interview Experience for SDE-1 | 6-Months Internship (On-Campus)
9.80 GEEK