Make a custom build pipeline for minifying and compressing your assets

An important factor that affects the performance of a website is the size of resources requested by the browser. CSS and JavaScript source files are among the top of these resources. If you do not handle them efficiently, they can considerably increase page load time. Get the app repo here.

What you will get from this piece?

In this article, we’re going to build a server-rendered application in Nodejs by implementing:

  • Asset minification and compression using Gulp and Brotli.
  • A development environment where assets are minified and compressed in real-time.
  • A build process that can make distributable assets for deployment.

Also, you will get some familiarity with Gulp and Brotli. If your app is not server-rendered or performance is not an issue for your application then this article may not be very informative to you.

#node #gulp #brotli #javascript #web-development

Nodejs: Optimize with Gulp and Brotli
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