Recently, on 24th of June 2020, Angular version 10 has been released with the beta version. This a major release and is mainly focused on the ecosystem and quality tools instead of introducing new features. Angular 10 features new date range picker in the Angular material UI component library and warnings for CommonJS imports.

If we take a glance at previous version updates, Angular 9.0 came in use on February 6, accompanied on March 25 by Angular 9.1. On May 28, 2019, Angular 8.0 was released. Here we will see the new features of Angular 10. Before we dig into the new features, let us see how to update your version to Angular 10?

How To Update To Version 10?

Use the following command to upgrade the version to angular 10.

ng update @angular/cli @angular/core

New Features Of Angular 10-

1. Performance-
App Performance is a significant factor for app success and this is what Angular is Known for. With the new Angular 10, we can observe a great improvement in performance as the Type-Checking performance boost is done to the compiler-cli and computation basepath is shifted to lazy-load which allows it to work when needed in TargetedEntryPointFinder.

In previous versions of Angular, basePaths was computed whenever the finder was instantiated, and the resources get wasted when the TargetedEntryPoint had already been pasted.

2. Typescript 3.9, TSLib 2.9 & TSLint v6-
Apart from past versions which supported typescript 3.6, 3.7 and even 3.8, Angular 10 supports typescript 3.9. Typescript is a language built on JavaScript by adding syntax for type declarations and annotations used by the TypeScript compiler to type-check your code.

This in turn clean readable JavaScript that runs on lots of different runtimes. Typescript helps to save the files with high editing functionality across editors. With TypeScript new version 3.9, the team has worked on performance, polish and stability.

Apart from error checking, this version powers things like completions, quick fixes and accelerating the compiler and editing experience.

Some exciting features of Typescript 3.9-

  • “>” and “}” are considered as invalid JSX text characters with typescript new version.
  • Typecript’s latest version provides a quick fix solution to include missing return statements in situations where you might forget to return the value from a function at the end of that function.
  • With angular version10 Typescript automatically detects the types of imports that are used to keep any type of files style clean. Any downleveling to support ES5 in this version will be done at the end of the build process.
  • Compilations with ‘Promise.all’ and ‘Promise.race’ functions have been attacked and the 3.7 version has now been fixed.
  • TSlib, the runtime library for TypeScript consists of helper functions, and now updated to TSlib 2.0. Also there is an update on the TSLint static analysis tool for TypeScript to version 6.
  • // @ts-expect-error comments before a code line as a prefix, with a goal that the TypeScript will not report the error. Typescript will show ‘Unused ‘@ts-expect-error‘ directive if there isn’t any error.
  • Angular 10 has deprecated the inclusion of ESM5 or FESM5 bundles that save 119MB of download and install time at the time of running yarn or npm install for Angular packages and libraries.

3. Localization-
It is one of the best feature of Angular 10. The latest version supports merging of multiple translation documents that can only load one file with the old versions. But with the new version, customers can specify a couple of documents in keeping with locale and translations from each of these documents can be merged together by message ID. Means you have to put the documents so as of most essential first with fallback translations later.

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Amazing New Features And Updates Of Angular 10
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