Use python, selenium, and chrome web driver to create an Instagram bot! This script will log into instagram and like and comment on posts with a specific hashtag. We will also deploy the bot to PythonAnywhere so you can run it 24/7!

Please note that this is for educational purposes. Using a bot on instagram is against their terms and conditions!

We will start by setting up chrome web driver, selenium, and our python virtual environment. Then, we’ll log into instagram. Next, we’ll implement the like and comment by hashtag method. Finally, we’ll deploy it to PythonAnywhere using pyvirtualdisplay.

Helpful links:
Selenium website:
Chrome web driver:
Using selenium in PythonAnywhere:
PythonAnywhere virtual environment:

#python #bot #automation

#python #bot #automation #pythonanywhere #instagram bot python automation #selenium

Instagram Bot Python Automation With Selenium - Deploy To PythonAnywhere
3.00 GEEK