Example application consume REST API laravel as backend

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Example flutter application to consume REST API from laravel back-end

What’s in here ?

REST API Laravel

If you are interested in this REST API and want to customize it, you can follow this link. This application used REST API in that link.


What’s mean ? I make separated packages to make flutter application faster. Inside it include:

  • Template Login and Splash Screen
  • Reusable Widget
  • Function
  • Color Pallete
  • App Config
  • Sizes
  • and many more…

If you interested with this, you can follow this link

State management

State management in this application used Flutter Riverpod . If you familiar with Provider ,i think you might will like it because riverpod author is same and have improvement from provider. Because this package is new and still a little tutorial on this package , i think what i write in this application not yet best practice. If you have suggestion , feel free to discussion.


This application have some screen inside it :

Splash Login Register
Welcome Form Product Detail Product
  • Splash
  • Login
  • Register (Modal Bottom Sheet)
  • Welcome
  • Form Product (Modal Bottom Sheet)
  • Detail Product


Because this application have a goal how to consume REST API from laravel back-end, i include basic CRUD(Create,Read,Update,Delete) function :

  • Login (Login using email and password)
  • Register (Required name, email, password, password confirmation. Then if register success, user will get email based on email user entered)
  • Save user information to Shared Preferences
  • Update user image profile [From camera/gallery]
  • Add, Update [Only image / another field], delete product
  • Show detail product
  • Show dialog loading while request to server (It’s nice to prevent user to action while request to server)


Please file any issues, bugs or feature request as an issue on Github


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Download Details:

Author: zgramming

Source Code: https://github.com/zgramming/Flutter-Combo-Laravel

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps #laravel

Example application consume REST API laravel as backend
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