We can set up digests for Azure Advisor recommendation. Azure Advisor provides the ability to configure recommendation digests for a periodic review. Using this, we can configure a summary for a specific time frame and review them as needed.

Digests for Azure Advisor Recommendation

To setup recommendation digests for Azure Advisor, from the Azure Portal, open the Azure Advisor Service, and click om “Recommendation digests” available under “Monitoring“.

Clicking on the “Recommendation digest” will open the “Add an Advisor Recommendation digest” screen. Here you can define the scope of your digest such as Subscription, Frequency, and Category along with a group who will receive the notification.

Once the recommendation is created, you can view the same from the Recommendation digest window.

With the configuration, all the configured group members will receive a notification with details of recommendation based on the frequency selected.

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Set up Digests for Azure Advisor Recommendation
2.20 GEEK