
Python includes a number of  built-in functions—these are global Python functions that can be called from any Python code without importing additional modules. For example, you can always call the print built-in function to output text.

Several of the built-in functions (allanymax, and min among them) take iterables of values as their argument and return a single value. An iterable is a Python object that can be “iterated over”, that is, it will return items in a sequence such that you can use it in a for loop. Built-in functions are useful when, for example, you want to determine if all or any of the elements in a list meet a certain criteria, or find the largest or smallest element in a list.

In this tutorial, you will use the built-in functions allanymax, and min.


To get the most out of this tutorial, it is recommended to have:

  • Some familiarity with programming in Python 3. You can review our  How To Code in Python 3 tutorial series for background knowledge.
  • The Python Interactive Console, if you would like to try out the example code in this tutorial you can use the  How To Work with the Python Interactive Console tutorial.

#python #programming

Using the all, any, max, and min Functions in Python properly
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