Data protection is not only a legal necessity. It is essential for an organization’s survival and profitability. Nowadays, storage has become cheap, and organizations have become data hoarders. And even one day will come when they’ll get around mining all of those data and look for something useful.

But, again, data hoarding causes serious issues. And most of what is collected may become redundant, old, or when it is not touched for years.

Moreover, storage might be cheap, but it is not free. And storing a huge amount of data might cost you and, more importantly, increases your risk.

So, suppose your sensitive data is stored digitally, which includes intellectual property, personally identifiable data on the customers or employees, protected health information or financial account information, and credit card details. In that case, these needs are to be properly secured.

So how to protect your data?

What is data classification?

Here are the seven effective steps to Data Classification

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What are the Best Steps to Effective Data Classification?
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