Vuex is the official state management library of vuex, It is used for state management as the description implies. It serves as a centralized store for the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated predictably.

Starting up as a vuejs developer, vuex gave me a tough time, was confusing, and took sometime before I could master it.

In the course of this tutorial, We would be building a book library using vue and firebase. So brace yourself

App Overview

The aim of this application is for registered users to borrow books and for the bookkeeper to keep track of the books that were borrowed. The major features we would be implementing would be:

  1. Authentication
  2. Real-time database

From a technical point of vue…(wordplay 😆)

  1. Vue â€” a modern javascript framework
  2. Firebase â€” Authentication and real-time database
  3. Vuex- For state management
  4. Vue-Router â€” For routing

Note: This tutorial covers the full set up for this project. If you want to go straight into vuex and the core functionality implementation, visit part 2 of this tutorial

#vuejs #vuex #javascript

Introduction to Vuex
1.65 GEEK