Your college: “Who’s the author of this code?”

Expectation: “It’s me!” You answer proudly because that code is beautiful like a princess.

Reality: “Nah, it’s not me!” You lie because that code is ugly like a beast.

Now, if you want to make the expectation become the reality, keep reading.

1. Use meaningful Variable Names

Use meaningful names, which you know exactly what it is at first glance.

// Don't
let xyz = validate(‘amyjandrews’);

// Do
let isUsernameValid = validate(‘amyjandrews’);

It makes sense to name a collection type as plural. Thus, don’t forget the s:

// Don't
let number = [3, 5, 2, 1, 6];

// Do
let numbers = [3, 5, 2, 1, 6];

Functions do things. So, a function’s name should be a verb.

// Don't
function usernameValidation(username) {}

// Do
function validateUsername(username) {}

Start with is for boolean type:

let isValidName = validateName(‘amyjandrews’);

Don’t use constants directly because as time pass you will be like, “What the hell is this?” It’d better to name constants before using them:

// Don't
let area = 5 * 5 * 3.14;

// Do
const PI = 3.14;
let area = 5 * 5 * PI;

For callback functions, don’t be lazy to just name parameters as one character like h, j, d (maybe even you, the father of those name, don’t know what they mean). Long story short, if the parameter is a person, pass person; if it’s a book, pass book:

// Don't
let books = [‘Learn JavaScript’, ‘Coding for Beginners’, ‘CSS the Good Parts’];

books.forEach(function(b) {
  // …
// Do
let books = [‘Learn JavaScript’, ‘Coding for Beginners’, ‘CSS the Good Parts’];
books.filter(function(book) {
  // …

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