A new version of TypeScript released on August 26, typescript 4. In this article, we will discuss all the new features, improvements, and breaking changes that were released with the latest Typescript version.

Who should read this article?

  1. Anyone who has a basic knowledge of JavaScript or TypeScript
  2. Frontend developers (Angular/React): Typescript is the foundation of Angular. We are already at angular version 11 and 12 is right around the corner and as angular/front-end developers it’s our duty to keep ourselves up to date with typescript so that we can write code that is not really outdated and we can leverage all the new features that Microsoft and the typescript team are working on every day to make our lives better.
  3. Programmers who to be up to date

What is TypeScript?

  1. It’s a language that builds on top of JavaScript.
  2. It basically adds syntax for our static types.
  3. The idea is to use typescript to basically type check your code and tell you the mistakes before you run your code.

For example, in a javascript environment you might write:

let a = "cat";

In the very next line, you can write:

a = 24; // and this is a problem!

and no one is going to stop you, not your compiler, not your IDE and neither will you know it yourself unless the code breaks because you were expecting a string and you got an integer and you will only know it post-production.

#javascript #typescript

Features And Breaking Changes In TypeScript 4
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