How Ruby on Rails Builds Powerful, Responsive Websites

Numerous major companies rely on the unique advantages that web development using Ruby on Rails has to offer. Some prominent examples (whose websites you’ve likely used recently) include:

  • Airbnb
  • Fiverr
  • Groupon
  • Hulu
  • Kickstarter
  • Shopify
  • SlideShare
  • Twitter

You may have noticed that the companies listed above have a major factor in common: they all depend completely on their online presence for the function of their business models and product delivery to consumers. And, many of these examples, especially Hulu, Shopify, and Twitter are sites that regularly experience high Internet traffic.

So, what does Ruby on Rails have to offer when it comes to web development. After all, there must be something that makes it so attractive that companies like these entrust their business success and customer experience.

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How Ruby on Rails Builds Powerful, Responsive Websites
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