Great Learning brings you to this live session on “DevOps Career Roadmap”. Software Development is an intricate and complicated process. There are many moving parts to it and we use many different methodologies for improving the whole process and DevOps is such one process that helps us make the whole process more efficient and smooth. DevOps can be understood as a combination of software development and IT practices and is a collection of tools, practices and philosophies which is used in an organization to increase its efficiency and effectiveness. In this live session, we will be covering the roadmap you can take in your journey towards becoming a DevOps Engineer. We will find the answers to a variety of questions you can come across, including what DevOps is, why do we need to use it in today’s market, what kind of roles exist in this field, how can you grow, what is the future scope of this field and what kind of salary you can expect. DevOps has become a trendy methodology and those who know it have become highly sought after by different companies!

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DevOps Career Roadmap | DevOps Tutorial for Beginners | What is DevOps
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