Top 14 Flutter Video Libraries | Flutter Development Libraries

Flutter Vlc Remote

A VLC remote control written with Flutter
The first time you start VLC Remote, it will provide a guide to setting up VLC’s web interface for remote control and will give you the option to try to discover the IP of the host VLC is running on automatically.

"Flutter Vlc Remote"

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Flutter Multi Camera Dashboard

Flutter App to View RTSP Streams

"Flutter Multi Camera Dashboard"

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Youtube Player Flutter

Flutter plugin for playing or streaming YouTube videos inline using the official iFrame Player API. Supports both Android and iOS platforms.

"Youtube Player Flutter"

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Flutter Youtube Mp3 App

A Flutter App To Download Videos From YouTube In Mp3 Format

"Flutter Youtube Mp3 App"

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Flutter Neeko

Simple video player widget based on video_player. Neek supports more actions such as timeline control, toggle fullscreen and so on.

"Flutter Neeko"

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Flutter Kenburns

Kenburns effect on flutter
The Ken Burns effect is a type of panning and zooming effect used in video production from still imagery.

"Flutter Kenburns"

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Flutter Video Compress

Generate a new path by compressed video, Choose to keep the source video or delete it by a parameter. Get video thumbnail from a video path and provide video information. Easy to deal with compressed video. Considering reduce application size is not using FFmpeg in IOS.

"Flutter Video Compress"

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Flutter Vlc Player

A VLC-powered alternative to Flutter’s video_player that supports iOS and Android.

"Flutter Vlc Player"

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Flutter Ffmpeg

FFmpeg plugin for Flutter. Supports iOS and Android.

"Flutter Ffmpeg"

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Flutter Youtube Player

A flutter plugin to play Youtube Videos without API Key in range of Quality(144p, 240p,360p,480p,720p and 1080p).

This plugin is discontinued. Please use youtube_player_flutter which is an officially provided way of playing youtube videos, supporting both Android and iOS platforms.

"Flutter Youtube Player"

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Flutter Chewie

The video_player plugin provides low-level access to video playback. Chewie uses the video_player under the hood and wraps it in a friendly Material or Cupertino UI!

"Flutter Chewie"

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Flutter Movie ratings

Android app to show movie ratings when browsing Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and other supported video streaming apps on the phone

"Flutter Movie ratings"

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Flutter Webrtc

WebRTC plugin for Flutter Mobile/Desktop/Web

"Flutter Webrtc"

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Top 14 Flutter  Video Libraries | Flutter Development Libraries
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