What you‘ll learn

  1. What is Linear regression?
  2. What is Gradient Descent?
  3. Comparison between different values of learning rate (alpha).
  4. Implementation in Python programming language


I guess you probably have heard about the learning rate in gradient descent from the Coursera machine learning course of Andrew ng. One of the best courses for beginners to build a foundation for machine learning.

So it’s been more than a month I started learning ML and believe me there is so much you can learn in topics like **Linear, Logistic Regression, Neural Network **… and to get a better understanding of those topics you need to learn by doing.

My goal is to implement and demonstrate concepts of machine learning algorithms which every beginners should know.

So let’s start the journey of learning by doing ML!

First, let me tell you briefly about Linear regression and Gradient descent, then we will quickly jump into the analysis of the learning rate.

#data-science #machine-learning #gradient-descent #python #linear-regression

Analysis of Learning Rate in Gradient Descent Algorithm Using Python
1.70 GEEK