In recent years, more and more companies are accepting testing as an early activity in the Software Development Life Cycle.

Companies across the globe have a goal to get their applications faster to the market and with the priority of cost optimization.

In this process, companies are adopting the best practices of Agile and DevOps majorly to reduce the time to market. Besides this, companies are adopting other trends such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, IoT, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, and many more.

So what will the software testing trends 2021 be?

Here in this article, we will be providing more information about some tremendous software testing trends of the year 2021.

Digital transformation becomes the need of the hour for enterprises operating across domains such as banking, insurance, healthcare, and many others to improve productivity and delivery better customer services.

As a QA professional you have to stay competitive with the software testing trends of 2020-21.

#manual testing #software #web-development

Top 11 Software Testing Trends to Look out for in 2020 - 2021
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