Top 14 Color Picker for Flutter

1.Colorful Safe Area

A more customizable replacement for the SafeArea widget. It lets you set the color of your SafeArea without affecting the color of its child.

"Colorful Safe Area"

2.Flutter Colorpicker

A HSV(HSB)/HSL color picker inspired by chrome devtools and a material color picker for your flutter app.

"Flutter Colorpicker"


A flutter color palette with an eyedropper ( on mobile & desktop )


4.Flutter Circle Color Picker

A beautiful circle color picker for flutter.

"Flutter Circle Color Picker"

5.Flutter Gradients

A curated collection of awesome gradients made in Dart (port of for Flutter). Only linear gradients included for now.

"Flutter Gradients"

6.Color Matching Game

A Color Matching Game built with Flutter.
It is a simple app made without adding a plug-in.

Play by specifying the red, green and blue buttons in 3 steps to be the same as the theme color.
It is more fun with knowledge of color codes.

"Color Matching Game"

7.Flutter Material Color Picker

Material Color picker is a Flutter widget, that can be customizable.

By default, it’s Material Colors, but you can define your own colors.

You can also use CircleColor widget to display color in your app. Example, you can set the color picker in a dialog and display the selected color in a ListTile, for settings.

"Flutter Material Color Picker"

8.Flutter Statusbarcolor

A package can help you to change your flutter app’s statusbar’s color or navigationbar’s color programmatically.

"Flutter Statusbarcolor"

9.Random Color

An Android and iOS game. A color is display on the screen and then the player has to pick a color that is the most similar to the one displayed. Player need to have the lowest score.

"Random Color"

10.Color Converter

A minimalist application made with flutter to convert hexadecimal colors to RGB colors and vise-versa for Flutter Create Competition .

"Color Converter"

11.Flutter Hsvcolor Picker

A HSV color picker for your flutter app. RGB HSV Wheel Hue Saturation Values.

"Flutter Hsvcolor Picker"

12.Flutter Colorpicker

A HSV(HSB)/HSL color picker inspired by chrome devtools and a material color picker for your flutter app.

"Flutter Colorpicker"


This library will generate random colors that are visually pleasing and can be customized by passing custom hue, saturation and brightness range. This allows it to generate just specific color with slight differences.


14.Material Pickers

Color picker for Flutter, based on the Google Docs color picker.

"Material Pickers"

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Top 14 Color Picker for Flutter
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