As the size of NLP model increases into the hundreds of billions of parameters, so does the importance of being able to create more compact representations of these models. Knowledge distillation has successfully enabled this but is still considered an afterthought when designing the teacher models. This probably reduces the effectiveness of the distillation, leaving potential performance improvements for the student on the table.

Further, the difficulties in fine-tuning small student models after the initial distillation, without degrading their performance, requires us to both pre-train and fine-tune the teachers on the tasks we want the student to be able to perform. Training a student model through knowledge distillation will, therefore, require more training compared to only training the teacher, which limits the benefits of a student model to inference-time.

What would be possible if, instead, knowledge distillation was put front and centre during the design and training of the teacher model? Could we design and successfully train a model that is supposed to be distilled and could the distilled version successfully be fine-tuned? These are some of the questions addressed in MobileBERT: a Compact Task-Agnostic BERT for Resource-Limited Devices which this article will provide a summary of.


Knowledge distillation allows the representational power learnt by one model (the teacher) to be distilled into a smaller one (the student). This has shown promising results in previous work, wherein one instance 96% of the teacher’s performance was retained in a 7x smaller model. While an impressive feat, there is still room for improvement where two of the main points are outlined below.

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MobileBERT: BERT for Resource-Limited Devices
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