
Businesses looking to establish themselves online have numerous options. They can not only choose the providers, but the service they wish to receive. Cloud computing has become an extremely popular hosting method due to flexibility in price, features, and support/management. Within the concept of cloud computing, you are typically presented with three distinct categories of services offered:

  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service
  • Platform-as-a-Service
  • Software-as-a-Service

Each has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, use cases, and appeal depending on the project at hand. Let’s explore each of them and see what they are and how they differ.

IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)

What is it?

IaaS or Infrastructure-as-a-Service is a cloud computing service where the consumer receives the use of a virtual machine (VM). The IaaS provider specifies the amount of hardware performance/capacity to allocate to the VM. It also starts the VM, and boots it with the chosen operating system (OS). The client only ever accesses or has to be concerned with the Multi-Tenant VM; all the physical hardware is monitored and serviced by the provider (hence the infrastructure being the service provided).

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IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS: A Comparison
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