How to create Admin Panel using Voyager in Laravel 6?

In this post, i will guide you to create admin panel with Laravel 6 using Voyager. We will build Admin Panel in Laravel 6. We will use Laravel 6 Voyager for creating Admin Panel.

Laravel 6 voyager provide to create simple admin pane with following features:

1. User Login & Registration
2. User Management
3. Role Management
4. Media Management
5. Database Manager
6. Setting Page
7. Menu Builder
8. Post Manager
9. Page Manager
10. Compase

As you can see that all features provided by laravel 6 voyager package. there are more feature that they provide, you can see on screenshot too.

Here, i write step by step tutorial to create admin panel in 10 minutes with laravel 6. You can easily customize this admin panel.

Install Laravel 6:

Here, you need to download fresh laravel 6 application. so let’s run bellow command.

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel adminPanel

Update Env File:

In this step, you need to update your configuration on your env file as like bellow:








After configuration you need to run migration command:

php artisan migrate

Install Voyager Composer Package

Here, we need to install voyager composer package. using this package we can install beautiful admin panel.

run following command:

composer require tcg/voyager

Install Voyager

after install successful voyager, we need to install voyager on our laravel 6 application using bellow command:

php artisan voyager:install

Generate Dummy Data

If you want some dummy data, so you understand how it works and which type of data you can enter. So let’s run following command to generate dummy data.

php artisan voyager:install --with-dummy

If everything installed well than you can run your application and use following credentials:

php artisan serve

Open following link:


Use following credentials:


Password: password

I hope you have nice admin panel now. You can also customize it using this link: Voyager Laravel Admin Panel.

You can see bellow preview of admin panel, so you can see how it’s looks like and it is a very simple and clean app.

I hope it can help you…

#laravel #php #web-development

How to create Admin Panel using Voyager in Laravel 6?
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