This tutorial shows you how to build a Sapper project, refactor it with Firebase, and ensure it is severless so your project is lightweight.

The traditional role of a frontend developer sat wholly on the client side. But with the rise of Node.js, the Jamstack, and serverless architecture, frontenders with a reasonable level of JavaScript knowledge can now build their own fullstack solution.

The route you go down is a mix of preference and specialism. Today, I’m going to take a look at a mix that I believe offers a great combo of speed, scalability, and cost.

What we are going to build in this tutorial is a server-side rendered (SSR) web app that uses scalable serverless functions to serve your application. When we’re done, our app will feel like a Single Page Application(SPA) from a user perspective, and search engines will find it highly digestible thanks to the utilization of SSR.

This duality of server-side rendering on a serverless function sounds super dumb. However, all is not as it seems.

Serverless simply means that you don’t have to manage the server yourself. In the case of Firebase functions, Google will be doing the server management, application scaling, and other complex infrastructure and platform optimization for us. That leaves us to focus on the best bit — the code.

For this example, I will be using Firebase as the platform for deploying our web app. Keep in mind, though, that there is a flavor of serverless function available for every taste, from Microsoft’s Azure Functions to AWS’ Lambda Functions and the increasingly popular Netlify. It’s worth noting that most platforms have a free tier for functions, meaning small apps with lower usage (e.g. portfolio sites) are likely to be free to run.

Let’s look at how this will hook up

There are two parts that will work together to serve up our web app:

  • Hosting: Holds our static files, such as any media we have, our favicons, and any other static content.
  • Functions: Small JavaScript functions that deal with the server-side rendering of our application, as well as any providing an end point for APIs that we might end up using.

The framework we will be using to craft our application will be Sapper, a sister project to Svelte. Svelte is the rising star in the front-end world. This will allow us to compile our application before we send it up to the spirit in the sky, providing super speedy vanilla JS functionality and reactive components from the get-go.

What is Svelte & Sapper and why should I care?

Svelte & Sapper are the brainchild of Javascript mastermind Richard Harris (creator of the infamous Rollup, among other open source favorites).

They are built upon the concept that modern Javascript frameworks are too bloaty and too Virtual-DOM heavy. Instead, they offer a light and fluffy vanilla solution by compiling code ahead of time rather than using the client to do the heavy lifting.

For developers, they offer a familiar toolset of HTML, CSS, and JS packaged in .svelte files. With a little framework specific syntax, they can be linted by your favorite tools. When you’re ready to send your code up, they blend everything together into a soft machine readable meringue of code that runs fast.

#svelte #firebase #serverless #web-development #developer

Build an SSR web app with Firebase functions, hosting, and Svelte Sapper
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