Once a Data Scientist, there are certain skills you will apply each and every day of your career. Some of these might be common techniques you learned during your education, while others may develop fully only after you become more established in your organization. Continuing to hone these skills will provide you with valuable professional benefits.

I have written about common skills that Data Scientists can expect to use in their professional careers, so now I want to highlight some key concepts of Data Science that can be beneficial to know and later employ. I may be discussing some that you know already and some that you do not know; my goal is to provide some professional explanation of why these concepts are beneficial regardless of what you do know now. Multicollinearity, one-hot encoding, undersampling and oversampling, error metrics, and lastly, storytelling, are the key concepts I think of first when thinking of a professional Data Scientist in their day-to-day. The last point, perhaps, is a combination of skill and a concept but wanted to highlight, still, its importance on your everyday work life as a Data Scientist. I will expound upon all of these concepts below.

#data scientist #metrics #multicollinearity #sampling

5 Concepts Every Data Scientist Should Know
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