This video is based on Array vs Linked List in Data Structure. This tutorial will help beginners to learn more about Arrays and Linked lists in Data Structure and all the basic differences between Arrays and Linked List. The video will include a graphical representation of both the data structures for a better learning experience.

The video will include the following topics

  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:08 What is an Array
  • 02:04 What is Linked List
  • 03:05 Types of Arrays
  • 03:43 Types of Linked List
  • 05:10 Differences Between Linked List and Array

What is Array?
An Array is a linear data structure that stores homogeneous elements in a continuous manner. The Array data structure will allow the users to store and manipulate the data elements stored in it.

What is a linked list?
A linked list is a linear data structure made up of nodes. This node consists of two parts. Data and reference to next node. These nodes can be traversed using the next pointer.

What Is a Data Structure?
The short answer is: a data structure is a specific means of organizing data in a system to access and use. The long answer is a data structure is a blend of data organization, management, retrieval, and storage, brought together into one format that allows efficient access and modification. It’s collecting data values, the relationships they share, and the applicable functions or operations.

Why Is Data Structure Important?
The digital world processes an increasing amount of data every year. According to Forbes, there are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data generated daily. The world created over 90 percent of the existing data in 2018 in the previous two years! The Internet of Things (IoT) is responsible for a significant part of this data explosion. Data structures are necessary to manage the massive amounts of generated data and a critical factor in boosting algorithm efficiency. Finally, since nearly all software applications use data structures and algorithms, your education path needs to include learning data structure and algorithms if you want a career as a data scientist or programmer. Interviewers want qualified candidates who understand how to use data structures and algorithms, so the more you know about the concepts, the more comfortably and confidently you will answer data structure interview questions.

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Array vs Linked List | Difference Between Arrays And Linked List | Data Structures
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