By using component-based technologies such as Vue.js, doesn’t mean that all components must be UI based.

In fact, my favourite way to apply advanced reusability in large applications is by using component composition.

With scoped slots, as you haven seen in “Using scoped slots in Vue.js”, you can encapsulate logic in another component and pass it to a slot via props. That allows you to compose the UI and behaviour of a new component by combining multiple of them.

Today, I’m going to show you a Data provider Component example.

Data Provider is a renderless component, meaning that it doesn’t need to render anything.

The base to create a renderless component is to create a scoped slot from a render function and pass any prop to it:

render() {
  return this.$scopedSlots.default({
    loading: !this.loaded,

Due to an inconsistency on scoped slots (fixed by version 2.6), you can better do it like this to make it work in any case:

render() {
  const slot = this.$scopedSlots.default({
    loading: !this.loaded,

  return Array.isArray(slot) ? slot[0] : slot;

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Data Provider component in Vue.js
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