What is Keep3rV1 (KP3R) | What is KP3R token

What is Keep3rV1 (KP3R)?

Keep3rV1 is a decentralized platform designed to facilitate the coordination between projects that need to source outside development operations and those who can provide those required services. Essentially, the project serves as a job board that facilitates the interaction between job posters, such as decentralized finance protocols, and job executors, known as Keepers. The tasks performed by Keepers range from submitting and calling transactions on-chain to completing complex operations off-chain. Keep3rV1 uses an ERC-20 token, KP3R, for governance and to provide rewards to Keepers.

The project was first announced on Oct. 22, 2020. It launched on the Ethereum mainnet in beta mode on Oct. 28, 2020.

source : CryptoSfinx

Who Are the Founders of Keep3rV1?

Keep3rV1 was founded by Andre Cronje, a blockchain engineer and application developer who recently rose to prominence following the launch of DeFi project yearn.finance and the explosive growth of its governance token, YFI, which saw a 1,300-times increase in value during its first two months of existence in 2020.

Cronje previously served as head of innovation and technology at the Fusion Foundation, the organization behind the Fusion protocol, where he led initiatives related to decentralized applications, technology partnerships and implementations. He also worked as chief code reviewer and a contributor at Crypto Briefing, head of technology at fintech firm Freedom, and head of technology at Shoprite Group, in addition to serving in blockchain technology development roles for BitDiem, Cryptocurve and Lemniscap.

Despite the incredible growth of yearn.finance and YFI, Cronje has stated that his goal in launching new platforms is to empower developers, not speculators, by providing them with easy-to-use products and design templates.

What Makes Keep3rV1 Unique?

Keep3rV1 seeks to reduce the upkeep faced by blockchain-based projects that utilize large numbers of smart contracts to power increasingly complex systems. These projects often require external actors to complete tasks, and Keep3rV1 is designed to be a decentralized ecosystem for projects and developers to more efficiently work together.

The network relies on Keepers, who provide smart contracts, bots or scripts that are able to execute transactions or trigger events. To use the platform, a project submits a smart contract that is reviewed and approved by a bonded Keeper — one that has received and locked KP3R in the platform. Projects can set rules regarding which Keepers may take a job, such as requiring a minimum bonded stake of KP3R or a certain number of already completed jobs. Keepers are rewarded in KP3R for completing jobs, although a project may submit Ether (ETH) in exchange for KP3R-equivalent credits.

Cronje has said that Keep3rV1 has the added benefit of allowing for the development of DApps that would otherwise not be possible, including MetaWallet — a smart-contract wallet that does not require transactions or gas fees — and Unihedge — an impermanent loss mitigation system.

Related Pages:

Learn about Origin Protocol, a commerce platform that seeks to connect buyers and sellers.

Learn about yearn.finance, the DeFi project that propelled Cronje to popularity.

New to DeFi? Read an in-depth guide on Alexandria, CoinMarketCap’s online educational resource.

Stay up to date on the latest blockchain innovations with the CoinMarketCap Blog.

How Many Keep3rV1 (KP3R) Coins Are There in Circulation?

Keep3rV1 has no predetermined token supply, and the project did not undergo an initial coin offering or token generation event. Rather, KP3R is minted when liquidity is provided to the platform via Uniswap. At the project’s launch, Keep3rV1 had a reported $5.5 million worth of liquidity. Within the first day, it had already reached $9.8 million, with $384,197 in fees generated.

The project’s treasury is maintained by bonded Keepers, who are responsible for governance. Each non-KP3R transaction on the platform is charged a 0.3% fee, which is distributed to the treasury. Keepers who complete jobs are rewarded with KP3R, which can then be staked in order to participate in governance or receive dividends, should the platform’s governance decide to generate and distribute them.

How Is the Keep3rV1 Network Secured?

Keep3rV1 is an Ethereum-based platform that utilizes KP3R, an ERC-20 governance token. This means that it relies on the Ethereum blockchain to validate any on-chain KP3R transactions. Ethereum uses a proof-of-work consensus algorithm in which miners compete among each other to add new blocks to the blockchain and a majority of all nodes in the network must confirm a record for it to be posted.

Within the Keep3rV1 platform itself, bonded Keepers are responsible for managing and approving jobs and for managing Keepers — including settling disputes and blacklisting bad actors, if necessary.

The project’s smart contracts were audited at the end of October 2020 by PeckShield, a blockchain security company, before it went live. The audit found that Keep3rV1 was “well-designed and engineered” and uncovered no critical security flaws, but it did identify some potential medium- to high-severity risks, which Croje stated have been logged and updated.

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What is Keep3rV1 (KP3R) | What is KP3R token
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