You can see the first part of the PLC question and answer series here. In this post, we’ll still be focusing on the earlier days of language development. Some topics inside of this set include Lisp, ALGOL, COBOL, BASIC, PL/I, APL, SNOBOL, SIMULA, Prolog, Ada, and C. Before going through, can you answer this question? All modern languages owe some of their design to _____ or ______.

105. Who developed Lisp?

  • John McCarthy

106. What type of language is Lisp?

  • Functional programming language

107. True or False? Lisp is purely functional.

  • True

108. What are the two data structures in Lisp?

  • Atom and List

109. What is a List?

  • A series of elements enclosed in parentheses (A B C D)

110. Elements in a List can be ________ or ________ _________.

  • Atoms or other lists

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95 Programming Language Q&A (P2)
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