In this JavaScript game tutorial for beginners I will take you step by step though a complete game development process. We will improve our front end web development coding skills and learn about ES6 syntax, event listeners, how to control CSS styles and classes with JavaScript, what’s the difference between setTimeout and setInterval, how to use clearInterval, difference between const and let variables and between regular JavaScript functions and ES6 arrow functions and much more. This will be very beginner friendly and I will explain everything so you can better understand how JavaScript works, use these skills to level up as a Front end web developer and get one step closer to getting hired for your first coding job.

We will build a complete Star Wars inspired whack-a-mole game together from scratch. No frameworks and no libraries, I will explain everJavaScript y line of code as we go along as I always do.

#javascript #javascript game #beginners

JavaScript Game Tutorial for Beginners
19.25 GEEK