Learn how to use Redux toolkit and React hooks for efficient state management in React applications.

Link to GitHub template repository: https://github.com/ebenezerdon/instagram-react-template
Link to article on redux vs context: https://blog.logrocket.com/use-hooks-and-context-not-react-and-redux/#usecontext
Link to the final state of the app codebase: https://github.com/ebenezerdon/instagram-redux-toolkit
Link to the hosted app: https://practical-noether-d0b137.netlify.app/

Introducing Redux toolkit - 00:00:00
Setting up our app - 00:01:23
An overview of our app structure - 00:03:24
Setting up Redux toolkit - 00:06:30
How Redux works - 00:09:09
Creating a Redux slice - 00:11:45
Putting our Redux slice to use - 00:15:51
Creating a Redux store - 00:17:02
Making our Redux store accessible - 00:18:52
Accessing our Redux store in the Gallery component - 00:20:01
Adding data to our Redux store - 00:22:18
Wrapping up - 00:25:17

#redux #toolkit #react

Learn Redux Toolkit for React State Management
1.25 GEEK