Garuda Linux combines the wonderful and user friendly GNOME desktop environment with the perfect combination of extensions, themes, and features to wow any Linux adopter. Garuda is Arch based and adopts many of the great features the make the Manjaro distribution great. Out of the box you have many of the tools you need to manage your Linux system with easy as well as the accessibly. Their welcome screen so packed full to applications that sysadmins, games, and new users will all appreciate.

00:00​ - Garuda Linux Overview
01:35​ - Live Boot and Install
03:20​ - First Boot and Setup
04:24​ - LIBREWOLF!?
05:37​ - Welcome Screen and Tools
09:22​ - GNOME and Extensions
10:22​ - Terminal and FISH
11:18​ - Pre-installed Applications

13:40​ - Does it run GNOME 40?



Garuda Linux GNOME Edition - Featureful Next-Gen Linux Distro for 2021
14.15 GEEK