In part one of this series on Kubernetes RBAC, we introduced authentication and authorization methods. In this article, we’ll dive a little deeper into authentication — a prerequisite for RBAC.

As we saw, there are a few authentication methods including client certificates, bearer tokens, HTTP basic auth, auth proxy, and impersonation. Because HTTP basic auth and statically configured bearer tokens are considered insecure, we won’t cover them here. Instead, we’ll focus on the authentication mechanisms that are viable options for production deployments.

Client certificates

When authenticating through client certificates, the client must first obtain a valid x509 client certificate which the Kubernetes API server will accept as authentication. This usually means that the client certificate must be signed by the cluster CA certificate.

Externally Signed Certificates

The client certificate can be signed by the Kubernetes API server itself, or externally by an administrator or an enterprise PKI. Let’s first look how the certificate is signed externally, outside the Kubernetes API server.

Kubernetes RBAC

Authentication: X509 Client Cert, PKI

  1. The client (user) generates a CSR (certificate signing request) using a personal private key
  2. The client (user) sends the CSR to the signing authority (an administrator or an enterprise PKI)
  3. The signing authority signs a client certificate based on the CSR and the Kubernetes API server CA private key
  4. The signing authority sends the signed certificate to the client
  5. The client can now use the client certificate with the private key to authenticate the API server requests

There is a drawback, however. The server CA private key will be exposed to an external system or administrator. While that may be acceptable with an enterprise PKI, it likely isn’t with manual certificate signatures.

Here is a sequence of signing certificate commands:

User: generate user private key (if not exist):

openssl genrsa -out user1.key 2048

User: generate user CSR:

openssl req -new -key user1.key -out user1.csr -subj "/CN=user1/O=group1/O=group2"

Admin: sign user client cert:

openssl x509 -req -in user1.csr -CA cluster-ca.crt -CAkey cluster-ca.key \
    -set_serial 101 -extensions client -days 365 -outform PEM -out user1.crt

User: use with kubectl via options or kubeconfig:

kubectl --client-key=user1.key --client-certificate=user1.crt get nodes

kubectl config set-credentials user1 --client-key user1.key --client-certificate user1.crt --embed-certs
kubectl config set-context user1 --cluster demo-rbac --user user1
kubectl --context=user1 get nodes

kubectl config use-context user1
kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl get nodes

#blog #kubernetes #authentication #rbac #oicd tokens #bearer tokens

Kubernetes RBAC 101: Authentication
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