Notifications keeps us connected with every update of our favourite apps. They are the backbone of engagement but like anything else overdose of them can also be bad for the product.

In this article I am going to cover

about Push Notifications & how to design them. This article is helpful for product owners & designers in designing & creating different styles of push notifications.

Here I’ll share some insights to help you navigate the design of a notification by dissecting the anatomy. If you’re a designer you’ll find this Figma push notification UI kituseful.

What is a push notification?

In simple terms a notification is a message that pops up on the user’s device.

It can be triggered locally by an open application, or they can be “pushed” from the server to the user even when the app is not running. They allow your users to opt-in to timely updates and allow you to effectively re-engage users with customised content.

A push notification uses the least amount of words & even uses visuals to catch the eye of the user. Cool right? That’s a quickest way to get your users engaged, so

Like any other technique of engagement this has to be strategically implemented to get the best out the notifications. This medium of digital marketing is newer than others but it has gained momentum in the past few years.

Unique & Useful notifications will always perform better than the boring & casual notifications.

#notifications #web #push-notification #android #ios

The Ultimate Design Guide to Push Notifications
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