Now Let’s start discussing today’s topic.Today we’ll discuss about basic things you must know about React Library.It’s a famous front-end library which use in IT industry for business applications.Also day by day it’s getting updated.So, It will be much important for you to keep in touch with this library if you are willing/doing a_ job in IT industry _as it’s already a trending front-end technology now a days.So we’ll discuss it in details now and create your first React Component.

What is React ?

Simply, React is a JavaScript library that use to create _User Interfaces which runs on browsers _which was created by** Facebook._(one of the most popular ones, with over 100,000 stars on GitHub). It is the _view_ layer of an _MVC application**_ (Model View Controller)_

NOTE: React is not a framework.It’s a JavaScript library.

For a business application(client application) to be extremely successful it must be maintainable,manageable and_ re-usable.__Because when the business is expanding and when the customers asking for more improvement/changes the development team must be much responsible for making quick changes in the client application as soon as possible.That’s a more than 100% truth in _IT industry.So you must be a fast learner and a fast adapter when client requests rapid and complex changes in your business application.

Does React helps to overcome implementation complexity of client’s business applications

Yes.This is the most valuable and important thing which helps you when implementing a complex business application.React uses a concept called_ re-usable component__ which you may feel much comfortable with.It makes you re-use the same code in several places.Only thing you need to do is make changes to your props and __states.Using tiny components you could build your complex application in a simple way. __Also as this is a view part of the application it doesn’t depend(isolated with) on the _server state.

Components_ are like custom, reusable HTML elements, to quickly and efficiently build__ user interfaces_

_Now it’s time to try this with your own.I’m used _this online editor.It shows HTML, CSS, JavaScript sections clearly and separately.I recommend you to use it to make your first _React Component.

_We’ll create a simple HTML element which displays name and age of a __Person _using CSS styling as below(Image shows how a Person Component used to display information of two persons called Sanath and Pramod);

Image for post


You only need both HTML,CSS files below to implement Person component using HTML and CSS.Use below code in editor to try this.

#components #react-dom #programming #react #babel

How to Build React Component using React, React DOM and Babel
16.15 GEEK