TodoMVC is a very well known (like ~27K GitHub stars known) application among developers as it is a really great way to start to learn a new Model-View-Something framework. It has plenty of samples done with different frameworks, all implementing exactly the same solution. This way is very easy to compare them against each other and see what is the one you prefer. Creating a To-Do App is easy enough, but not too easy, to be the perfect playground to learn a new technology.

Image todomvc

The only issue with TodoMVC project is that it “only” focus on front-end solutions. What about having a full-stack implementation of the TodoMVC project with also back-end API and a database? Well it turns out that there is also an answer for that: Todo-Backend. There are more than 100 implementations available! Pretty cool, uh?

If you want to have a test run building a full-stack solution using a new technology stack you want to try, you are pretty much covered.

Full Stack with Azure Static Web Apps, Node, Vue and Azure SQL

Lately I was intrigued by the new Azure Static Web Apps that promises an super-easy Azure deploy experience, integration with Azure Function and GitHub Actions, and ability to deploy and manage a full-stack application in just one place, so I really wanted to try to take the chance to create a 100% serverless TodoMVC full stack implementation using:

  • Vue.Js for the frontend as I find it really really cool and powerful;
  • Azure Static Web Apps as I can manage the full-stack app just from one place and deploy just by doing a git push;
  • Node.js for the backend, as I’m learning it and I want to keep exercising. Not to mention that is very common and very scalable;
  • Azure SQL as I want to have a database ready for anything I may want to throw at it;

I searched in the TodoMVC and TodoBackend but didn’t find this specific stack of technologies…so why not creating it myself, I thought? Said and done! Here’s some notes I took while building this.

#azure sql #javascript #node #back-end #full-stack #functions #rest #tedious #vue #web apps

TodoMVC Full Stack with Azure Static Web Apps, Node and Azure SQL
2.10 GEEK