React is eating up the web development world — being the defacto library for modern user interfaces, so learning it can bring many advantages.

In this article, you will be introduced to all things you need to know in order to be a successful React dev. This is not meant to be an in-depth tutorial, but instead an introduction to all needed concepts. You will find extra resources linked here, that can help you get in-depth knowledge of certain topics.

Modern JS features

  • spread syntax
  • class syntax
  • arrow functions
  • template strings
  • async/await
  • ES modules

Modern JS development environment

The target environment for React code is browsers (most of the time, we can also write mobile apps or render apps on the server). Since browsers can’t understand all the latest JS features that I just mentioned earlier — we need a bundler and a code compiler — more info ahead. We also need a package manager for downloading all the libraries we want to use — including React, React-DOM, Router, etc.

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Top Things To Know When Working With React
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