In this tutorial, we’ll see how to create a simple To-Do App to React. This is a fun project to do for beginners who are trying to learn and get their hands dirty on React.

Things that we can learn here:

1. How to add elements to the list

2. How to edit elements in the list

3. How to delete elements in the list

4. How to animate the creating and deletion of items in the list

5. Upload a React App in Github for free.

6. React Components, React Forms, event handlers, etc.


1.Basic Knowledge in


3. CSS

4. Javascript

5. ES6

6. React JS concepts (beginner)

Link to code:…

Published React App:…

Information about including font-awesome icons in React…

Hope this tutorial helped you in getting on some hands-on experience in React. Give me like, if you guys liked it. What was your first React App? Let me know in the comments section. I’d love to hear about your first experiences. Also, let me know your feedback on my video. Thank you so much for watching.

#react #web-development #javascript

To Do App in React (Adding, Editing and Deleting items) | Deploy in Github
13.80 GEEK