Linux Administration Tutorial for Beginners

Embark on your Linux journey! Our beginner-friendly tutorial covers essential Linux administration, empowering you to navigate and manage systems effortlessly. Embrace the world of Linux administration and transform into a sought-after IT professional. 

First steps into becoming a successful Linux server administrator by learning different Linux distributions

This Linux course was designed to share my experience as a system administrator through practical examples and scenarios. If you would like to start a career in Linux or simply improve your knowledge, this course is for you. Throughout the course, I will show you many of the tasks you would encounter when administering a Linux server.

Since being a system administrator, I know you might need to deal with more than only one Linux distribution, what I teach in this course, applies to many of them.

I know that the best way to learn something is by actually doing it, so I created this course by showing how to accomplish the tasks rather than just explaining how to do them in theory. Moreover, along with the video lectures, you will also find exercises to help you improve your hands-on experience. You will benefit for free from any new lectures and updates on the course.

What you'll learn:

  •    At the end of this course you will be able to perform many of the daily tasks of a Linux system administrator.
  •    You will know how to control the boot process, deal with disk space, configure the network and troubleshoot issues.
  •    Along with the video lectures, there are also exercises to help you practice what you learn.
  •    What you will learn in this course applies to many distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat, Fedora, etc)


Linux Administration Tutorial for Beginners
7.80 GEEK