Apps and websites have been increasing exponentially in the recent past. Presently there are around 400 billion active websites all over the internet. Much of this growth has been contributed by the increase in internet consumption by both mobile and desktop devices. Frontend web technologies have seen an immense rise in all terms of load time, functioning, UI etc.

Javascript has been a web developer’s buddy for a long time helping him add functionality to his website. Companies are eager to roll updates and features to their existing apps as well as building new apps and hence giving rise to web applications, websites, and apps. What good is an app or a website if you are not able to interact with it?

Seeing the enormous rise and necessity of apps and websites, companies are competing with each other to hire the best talent and give the best in the market salary. Let’s find out the trend of Javascript in India.


Javascript Developer Salary in India in 2021 [For Freshers & Experienced]
1.15 GEEK