A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about  deploying an Azure Static Web App with Blazor and Azure Functions. In that post, I talked about using the app I built as a base for an upcoming Blazor series. This is it!

We’ll be building our site from the ground up with no Blazor experience required. All you’ll need is a passing knowledge of C## and .NET. If you don’t have that, no problem: brush up on some C## (I enjoy  this Learn module) and come back when you’re ready.

This post includes the following content.

  • What is Blazor?
  • Hosting models
  • Blazor Web Assembly
  • The good
  • The not so good
  • Blazor Server
  • The good
  • The not so good
  • Blasting off with our project
  • Our first code review
  • The API project
  • The Blazor project
  • The route template
  • The @code block
  • The markup
  • What about CSS?
  • Run the project locally
  • Wrap up

#blazor #azure #programming

Blast Off with Blazor: Get to know Blazor and our project
3.25 GEEK