Convert Emoji to Text using Python

Decode the language of emojis into plain text using Python. In this tutorial, you will know the meaning of all the different emojis used in any text by using the Python Tkinter GUI. The demoji module in Python can be used to translate emoticons and emojis into text. Emojis in text strings can be precisely replaced and removed with this tool.

Prerequisites for Emoji to Text Converter using Python

  • Basic knowledge of Python Programming Language, how function is defined.
  • How the window is made in Tkinter GUI, and how the frame is made in it.

Download Python Emoji to Text Converter Project

Please download the source code of Python Emoji to Text Converter Project from the following link: Python Emoji to Text Converter Project Code

Steps to Create Emoji to Text Converter using Python

Following are the steps for developing the Python Emoji to Text Converter Project:

Step 1: Importing the necessary modules

To use Tkinter, we need to import the Tkinter module. We are also going to import the demoji module to get all kinds of emojis and download its codes.


#import packages
from tkinter import *
import demoji

Step 2: Making a window for our project

This code sets the title of the window as ‘ProjectGurukul Emoji to Text’, and sets the dimensions ‘width x length’.


def emoji_to_text():
   emoji = entry.get()
   text1 = demoji.findall(emoji)

We use entry.get() to get the input emojis and demoji.findall to get the emoji’s description and l3.configure to display it by configuring the l3 label.

Step 4: Making Frames and Mapping the Buttons to Their Functionalities

We make a label to give heading Emoji to Text Converter, a frame1 to get emojis as input from the user by creating an entry widget, and after that, we create a button widget and assign the emoji_to_text function to it. At the end, we create a label for the output, which we can configure to display the textual description of each emoji in the text format.


frame = Frame(root)
label = Label(frame, text="Emoji to Text Converter",fg="blue",font=("Arial", 15,))
label.pack(side="left", padx=10)
# create input field for emoji
frame1 = Frame(root)
l1 = Label(frame1, text="Enter Text:",bg="lightgreen",font=("Arial", 15))
l1.pack(side="left", padx=10)
entry = Entry(frame1, font=("Arial", 15), width=15)
entry.pack(side="left", pady=20)

# create button to convert emoji to text
button = Button(root, text="Convert", font=("Arial", 15),bg="lightgreen", command=emoji_to_text)

# create label to display the converted text
l2 = Label(root,text="Description:", font=("Arial", 15),bg="orange")
l3 = Label(root, font=("Arial", 15),bg="yellow")

# run the tkinter window

Full Code

from tkinter import *
import demoji

def emoji_to_text():
   emoji = entry.get()
   text1 = demoji.findall(emoji)

# create a tkinter window
root = Tk()
root.title("ProjectGurukul Emoji to Text")

frame = Frame(root)
label = Label(frame, text="Emoji to Text Converter",fg="blue",font=("Arial", 15,))
label.pack(side="left", padx=10)
# create input field for emoji
frame1 = Frame(root)
l1 = Label(frame1, text="Enter Text:",bg="lightgreen",font=("Arial", 15))
l1.pack(side="left", padx=10)
entry = Entry(frame1, font=("Arial", 15), width=15)
entry.pack(side="left", pady=20)

# create button to convert emoji to text
button = Button(root, text="Convert", font=("Arial", 15),bg="lightgreen", command=emoji_to_text)

# create label to display the converted text
l2 = Label(root,text="Description:", font=("Arial", 15),bg="orange")
l3 = Label(root, font=("Arial", 15),bg="yellow")

# run the tkinter window

Python Emoji to Text Converter Output


We can now easily know the meaning of all the different emojis used in any text by using the Python Tkinter GUI. This project provides practical exposure to various Python libraries, such as tkinter and the demoji module, and how to create a function and assign it to a button.


Convert Emoji to Text using Python
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