Crafting Better Software Together: Unconference UK Website

Join the conversation in #ev_socratesuk and #org_socratesuk on Slack.

Conference organised by the Software Crafters Community.

Run website locally for development

If you want to make changes and raise a PR you can run the website locally to see how your changes will look like.

Just follow the official guide

If you don't want to install tools (or are running on windows where it's a pain), a command like the following helps bypass install issues (but runs more slowly):

docker run -it --rm --volume=$(pwd):/srv/jekyll -p 4000:4000 jekyll/jekyll jekyll serve --trace --incremental

To upgrade jekyll

  • Look at the available versions.
  • Check the latest version that github pages supports
  • Edit the jekyll version in the Gemfile
  • Apply the update
  • Remember to also add the Gemfile.lock file to the commit
bundle update

Download Details:

Author: SoCraTesUK

Official Github: 



Crafting Better Software Together: Unconference UK Website
1.10 GEEK