This is the second post in the series: Deploying ASP.NET Core applications to Kubernetes.

  1. Part 1 - An Introduction to Kubernetes
  2. Part 2 - Configuring resources with YAML manifests (this post)

In my previous post I talked about some of the fundamental components of Kubernetes like pods, deployments, and services. In this post I’ll show how you can define and configure these resources using YAML manifests. I’m not going to go into how to deploy these resources until the next post, where I’ll introduce the tool Helm.

In this post I’ll describe the manifests for the resources I described in the previous post: pods, deployments, services, and ingresses. I’m not going to go through all the different configuration options and permutations that you could use, I’m just going to focus on the most common sections, and the general format. In later posts in this series we’ll tweak the manifests to add extra features to help deploying your ASP.NET Core applications to Kubernetes. core #kubernetes #docker #devops

Configuring resources : Deploying ASP.NET Core applications to Kubernetes
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